Prince Devitt (Pictured)- To me this is a no-brainer. Fantastic moveset. A real student of the game. Popular in Japan so it is easy to capitalise with the Japanese fan base if he had a decent mid-card push.

Rocky Romero- Another guy who is big in Mexico, he’d fit right in the X-Division. He is good on the mic and he has the best flying arm-bar in the world
Brodie Lee- Physically Intimidating. Works well in the bodyguard role. A great wrestler for his size.
Claudio Castagnoli- World travelled. Good moveset. Can entertain the crowd easily.
Chris Hero- See Claudio Castagnoli
Pac- Another perfect fit for the X-Division. Fantastic High flyer. Easily over with any crowd.
Kevin Steen- Capable of doing 450 splashes and moonsaults that can put the best of high-flyers to shame. Very good on the mic. Can take a massive beating.
Having any of these guys on the roster will definitely increase the amount of actual talent and may force others to step up their game. I hope WWE or TNA does the right thing and take these guys.
Follow me on twitter @AH_Walker
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