Well Indianapolis started promisingly but soon became a complete waste of two hours of prime-time TV.
The Miz and Alex Riley defeated United States new champion Daniel Brian and John Morrison but although there was some good spots in this match, I fail to see the importance...... Clearly WWE management are just keeping The Miz busy because at the moment they are hardly mentioning the MITB briefcase which is strange considering Cole couldn't stop chatting about it, nearly 2 weeks ago.
I do not believe this has damaged Daniel Bryan at all at the moment because he is getting so much heat or pops as a Babyface I think what ever happens the Miz has to get over because he still has to be on a roll for when he cashes in.
The John cena vs Edge match was reasonably enjoyable as I am enjoying this new resurgence in John Cena's technical ability although lots of you will probably disagree with that last sentence.
Again, I am slightly confused about the storyline they are pushing with the Hart Dynasty, what purpose does it serve to have David Hart-Smith arguing with Tyson Kidd after they lost to Drew McIntyre and ''Dashing'' Cody Rhodes, it seems to me they don't really know what they want do with the tag-team division and therefore they are just throwing storylines left, right and centre in the hope that one of them will hit the mark, because I do not see any advantage at all, for the Hart Dynasty to have an internal feud and please, please tell me they are not putting Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith into a match with each other because no one will care.......
Moving on to the whole point of this night's RAW, WWE champion Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho. It ended in a no contest, the reason for this? Well in this writer's opinion, it wasn't so much to put Orton over, but to give Jericho an excuse to take some time off for the tour with Fozzy and for his well-publicised break that he has been talking about taking for over six months now.
Orton's punt has been away for sports entertainment performers to take time off for quite some time now and usually the punt always gets missed blocked or countered but in this case it connected quite well and I'm sure it was probably Y2J that said, make it look convincing because the guy will take something for the company even if it means a bit of a head injury.
In conclusion, I do feel there is more to the Chris Jericho story to be heard before he goes away but following and seeing him being carried out on a stretcher after RAW went off air, I am led to believe we will not see the Iyatollah of Rock'n'Rolla again any time soon. This concludes my short R....AW review. A very poor RAW, a very. very poor RAW but a good couple of points to talk about. Apart from that it was two hours of my life wasted and this is coming from someone who loves RAW!!!!!
N£O - TUES 28 SEP 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Davey Richards: Heavy Hitter DVD Review by Shaun Nichols
Still unable to log into the DVD review site so again posting a DVD review by Shaun Nichols here.
Davey Richards: Heavy Hitter
We open with one of Davey's earliest ROH matches against his mentor KENTA at 'Fight of the Century' in August 2006, the match starts as you would probably expect with lots of stiff kicks, elbows and so on. What is noticeable is that a small minority of fans are anti-KENTA and try and get chants of 'USA' going which thankfully fail. Match really picks up in the closing minutes as KENTA misses a springboard and is nailed by a powerbomb by Davey who then locks KENTA into a leg collar submission attempt. KENTA rebounds with a tiger suplex for a close 2 count and Davey hits his own 2 count after hitting a running Liger bomb. Davey seems to have things going his way until he goes for a shooting star press and meets nothing but KENTA's knees. From that point KENTA is in control and although Davey nearly sneaks a win with a crucifx off the GTS attempt it is only a matter of time before KENTA secures victory with a second GTS attempt for the win.
Fast forward to January 2010 and the first Evolve show, Davey main events against DDT star Ibushi, both men start quick with a series of stiff running kicks until the match settles down with Davey working over Ibushi's left shoulder for a number of minutes. Among his offence was a nice divorce court off the top rope. Ibushi makes his first comback by running on the apron jumping onto the top rope and hitting a moonsault onto Davey who was on the floor. Ibushi stays in control with a series of kicks and a standing moonsault, until Davey grabs control back with a cross armbreaker attempt. As the match continues to build Ibushi attacks with a double monsault which is an awesome move, Davey responds by attempting the kimura after Ibushi kicks out of a pinfall attempt. Davey hits the DR driver for a close two count, a shooting star press later and Davey again goes for the kimura. Kota manages to survive but is greeted by a series of forearms and the third kimura which causes him to tap. Match would have been even better had Ibushi not forgot to sell his injured shoulder once he started to make his first comeback.
A couple of months earlier Davey was involved in the DGUSA tournament against YAMATO, again in the early part of the match he dominated by working YAMATO's left arm. Finally YAMATO worked his way back into it and launched his own attack this time against Davey's left leg. Match was fairly even until the crowd erupted when Davey went for his signature running dive which never does more than graze his opponent. Back in the ring Davey goes for the kimura, while YAMATO when he gets the chance goes for an ankle lock. Davey hits a great german suplex for a very close 2 count which had the fans shouting that it was a 3 count. Davey's shooting star press proved to be unsuccessful and when YAMATO responded with among other things a sleeper, a brainbuster and finally galleria it was enough to put Davey down for the pinfall loss.
Going back to ROH and 2007, Davey was a member of the No Remorse Corps and here faced the UK's PAC. This was basically one step up from a glorified squash victory for Davey. He controlled the vast majority of the contest and it appeared that the fans were not really buying Newcastle's finest as a genuine threat. PAC hit an awesome 450 splash off the top rope to the floor for a rare highlight. As we approached the finish, Davey reversed a PAC pinfall attempt into a kimura. PAC responds by hitting a very nice reverse huracanrana but Davey will not be denied and after nailing a tombstone piledriver and he hooks the kimura for the clean submission.
Staying in 2007 we move to the King of Europe tournament where Davey is representing PWG, commentators are pushing how miserable Davey is while the fans are chanting for him despite Davey trying to be the heel. Shiozaki gets first control with a dropkick to the knee which allows him to work Davey over. A suicide dive turns the tide but Davey is careful to ensure that he continues to sell his leg injury even when he's on offence. Go nearly secures the win with a picture perfect german suplex only to find himself on the verge of tapping when Davey locks the kimura. A low blow, tornado DDT and a second kimura prove too much for Go.
On the bonus disc of the King of Europe we get the tag team match from RQW, here during Davey being in the ring with Go we get the commentators saying you would never see Davey face Go anywhere else, apart from the tournament the fan as already watched that is. Aoki was revealed to be the 2006 Wrestling Observer rookie of the year. Match was fine but nothing breathtaking, ending was pretty funny when out of nowhere the bottom rope broke off. You could see Aoki thinking this doesn't happen in Noah, Williams brings the fun to an end with the chaos theory for the pinfall victory.
Back in the US, Davey faces Super Crazy in the AAW, Crazy as the good sense to keep his t-shirt on. He also offers his hat to Davey as a present which unfortunately Davey doesn't accept. This is the shortest match on the disc, but among the highlights Crazy uses the Tarantula in honour of Tajiri, Davey and Crazy trade boston crabs and surfboards. But it is Davey that prevails with a missile dropkick, alarm clock and the DR driver for the win.
This leaves us with our genuine main event, a second match with KENTA this time from Supercard of Honor IV from April 2009. This time fans are solidly behind KENTA who is also defending his GHC Jr title. During the early stages Davey teases using the figure four leglock only to refuse as soon as the fans call for it. KENTA hits back with a series of clotheslines and kicks which end in a STF submission. Minutes later Davey goes for his running dive which again barely touches its target. Davey has a far better grasp of psychology with the fans in this match compared to his first match against KENTA. Twelve minutes in and the fans are already proclaiming that this is awesome, KENTA responds with three kicks, a powerbomb and a double stomp from the top rope for a close two count. Davey hits back with a powerbomb of his own and a texas cloverleaf which as the fans begging KENTA not to tap. Both wrestlers then trade chops, slaps, kicks and forearms in order to gain control as all the fans are now standing. KENTA hits a tiger suplex for a two count and then a falcon arrow from the apron to the floor. Fans are now chanting 'Fuck Wrestlemania'. KENTA attempts GTS which Davey reverses into a second texas cloverleaf which KENTA manages to again reverse for a close pinfall attempt. Davey hits the DR driver for another close pinfall attempt until his challenge is finally vanquished when KENTA hits the GTS for the win and to bring an awesome match to a close.
Davey Richards vs KENTA ****1/4
Davey Richards vs Kota Ibushi ***3/4
Davey Richards vs YAMATO ****
Davey Richards vs PAC ***
Davey Richards vs Go Shiozaki ***1/2
Davey Richards & Atsushi Aoki vs Doug Williams & Go Shiozaki ***
Davey Richards vs Super Crazy **1/2
Davey Richards vs KENTA ****3/4
Davey Richards: Heavy Hitter

Fast forward to January 2010 and the first Evolve show, Davey main events against DDT star Ibushi, both men start quick with a series of stiff running kicks until the match settles down with Davey working over Ibushi's left shoulder for a number of minutes. Among his offence was a nice divorce court off the top rope. Ibushi makes his first comback by running on the apron jumping onto the top rope and hitting a moonsault onto Davey who was on the floor. Ibushi stays in control with a series of kicks and a standing moonsault, until Davey grabs control back with a cross armbreaker attempt. As the match continues to build Ibushi attacks with a double monsault which is an awesome move, Davey responds by attempting the kimura after Ibushi kicks out of a pinfall attempt. Davey hits the DR driver for a close two count, a shooting star press later and Davey again goes for the kimura. Kota manages to survive but is greeted by a series of forearms and the third kimura which causes him to tap. Match would have been even better had Ibushi not forgot to sell his injured shoulder once he started to make his first comeback.
A couple of months earlier Davey was involved in the DGUSA tournament against YAMATO, again in the early part of the match he dominated by working YAMATO's left arm. Finally YAMATO worked his way back into it and launched his own attack this time against Davey's left leg. Match was fairly even until the crowd erupted when Davey went for his signature running dive which never does more than graze his opponent. Back in the ring Davey goes for the kimura, while YAMATO when he gets the chance goes for an ankle lock. Davey hits a great german suplex for a very close 2 count which had the fans shouting that it was a 3 count. Davey's shooting star press proved to be unsuccessful and when YAMATO responded with among other things a sleeper, a brainbuster and finally galleria it was enough to put Davey down for the pinfall loss.
Going back to ROH and 2007, Davey was a member of the No Remorse Corps and here faced the UK's PAC. This was basically one step up from a glorified squash victory for Davey. He controlled the vast majority of the contest and it appeared that the fans were not really buying Newcastle's finest as a genuine threat. PAC hit an awesome 450 splash off the top rope to the floor for a rare highlight. As we approached the finish, Davey reversed a PAC pinfall attempt into a kimura. PAC responds by hitting a very nice reverse huracanrana but Davey will not be denied and after nailing a tombstone piledriver and he hooks the kimura for the clean submission.
Staying in 2007 we move to the King of Europe tournament where Davey is representing PWG, commentators are pushing how miserable Davey is while the fans are chanting for him despite Davey trying to be the heel. Shiozaki gets first control with a dropkick to the knee which allows him to work Davey over. A suicide dive turns the tide but Davey is careful to ensure that he continues to sell his leg injury even when he's on offence. Go nearly secures the win with a picture perfect german suplex only to find himself on the verge of tapping when Davey locks the kimura. A low blow, tornado DDT and a second kimura prove too much for Go.
On the bonus disc of the King of Europe we get the tag team match from RQW, here during Davey being in the ring with Go we get the commentators saying you would never see Davey face Go anywhere else, apart from the tournament the fan as already watched that is. Aoki was revealed to be the 2006 Wrestling Observer rookie of the year. Match was fine but nothing breathtaking, ending was pretty funny when out of nowhere the bottom rope broke off. You could see Aoki thinking this doesn't happen in Noah, Williams brings the fun to an end with the chaos theory for the pinfall victory.
Back in the US, Davey faces Super Crazy in the AAW, Crazy as the good sense to keep his t-shirt on. He also offers his hat to Davey as a present which unfortunately Davey doesn't accept. This is the shortest match on the disc, but among the highlights Crazy uses the Tarantula in honour of Tajiri, Davey and Crazy trade boston crabs and surfboards. But it is Davey that prevails with a missile dropkick, alarm clock and the DR driver for the win.
This leaves us with our genuine main event, a second match with KENTA this time from Supercard of Honor IV from April 2009. This time fans are solidly behind KENTA who is also defending his GHC Jr title. During the early stages Davey teases using the figure four leglock only to refuse as soon as the fans call for it. KENTA hits back with a series of clotheslines and kicks which end in a STF submission. Minutes later Davey goes for his running dive which again barely touches its target. Davey has a far better grasp of psychology with the fans in this match compared to his first match against KENTA. Twelve minutes in and the fans are already proclaiming that this is awesome, KENTA responds with three kicks, a powerbomb and a double stomp from the top rope for a close two count. Davey hits back with a powerbomb of his own and a texas cloverleaf which as the fans begging KENTA not to tap. Both wrestlers then trade chops, slaps, kicks and forearms in order to gain control as all the fans are now standing. KENTA hits a tiger suplex for a two count and then a falcon arrow from the apron to the floor. Fans are now chanting 'Fuck Wrestlemania'. KENTA attempts GTS which Davey reverses into a second texas cloverleaf which KENTA manages to again reverse for a close pinfall attempt. Davey hits the DR driver for another close pinfall attempt until his challenge is finally vanquished when KENTA hits the GTS for the win and to bring an awesome match to a close.
Davey Richards vs KENTA ****1/4
Davey Richards vs Kota Ibushi ***3/4
Davey Richards vs YAMATO ****
Davey Richards vs PAC ***
Davey Richards vs Go Shiozaki ***1/2
Davey Richards & Atsushi Aoki vs Doug Williams & Go Shiozaki ***
Davey Richards vs Super Crazy **1/2
Davey Richards vs KENTA ****3/4
Undertaker vs Kane in 2010 -WHY?? By Shaun Nichols

If you to were to blindly follow the WWE' s view then you would say that the Undertaker vs Kane is one of the great WWE rivalries of the last 20 years, that is something that I cannot agree with. Let me explain why.
If you had to explain this feud to someone who had no interest in wrestling and also did not know who these guys are, how would explain it? Well here goes, the Undertaker who arrived first as the elder brother and was successful in the company winning titles and becoming a main eventer. Several years later his younger brother appears apparently unhappy with how his elder brother treated him in the past to get revenge. This idea can work great for example the 1994 feud between Bret and Owen which was centred on Owen feeling that Bret wanted to keep him in the background which bred Owen's jealousy however the feud lasted months and featured some fantastic matches. Now also remember this feud as being fought on and off for the last 13 years, not 13 months but years it's ridiculous. Worse still everytime they feud it is exactly the same feud, Kane as the heel becomes jealous of the Undertaker and off they go with matches which are typically boring and don't particularly draw very well. The Undertaker always wins in the end and will no doubt win again this time. N£0 wrote in his review of NOC that you aren't going to switch channels during Taker-Kane, well because I didn't watch it live I had the option to fast forward and move onto the next match which is exactly what I did. Throw in the which wrestler has magic powers to turn off the arena lights at will or to disappear whenever they want to and are you losing interest yet?
I will give Kane credit on his delivery on his promos, it is just a shame that he is talking a lot of shit about being the most powerful demon or some such thing. These promos are typically taking over 15 minutes TV time and the Undertaker's interviews are only ever effective when they are greatly restricted in numbers, having him talk week after a week is just foolish. To up the ante or increase the ludicrous nature of this feud, Paul Bearer was brought back who despite being the victim of being buried in concrete at the Great American Bash 2004 by the Undertaker, as not only forgiven his former charge but as somehow restored the Undertaker's magic powers. Now despite this being in a lot of ways quite a camp feud which you can't really take it seriously, the WWE see this currently as the main PPV draw for both the Night of Champions and the HITC PPV on 3/10/2010. Which again is one of the reasons why buyrates are really struggling especially in the US.
Also ask yourself if here in the UK you had to buy the NOC PPV on Sky box office would you have paid for it? I'm guessing not.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Former WWF Star Giant Gonzales Passes Away

The local media in Argentina is reporting the passing of Jorge Gonzales, who wrestled for WCW as El Gigante before moving onto the World Wrestling Federation as Giant Gonzales. Gonzales, who was very ill with complications of diabetes and other physical issues stemming from his 7’7″ height, was 44 at the time of his death.
Gonzales was a basketball star in his native Argentina before being drafted by the Atlanta Hawks. After he failed to make his mark, Turner Broadcast shifted his contract over to World Championship Wrestling. Gigante debuted at the Capital Combat 1990 PPV, coming out during a Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger steel cage match as a surprise.
Gigante worked from 1990 through 1993 for WCW, including a house show run where he challenged then-NWA champion Ric Flair. Although at his height, there was some attention and interest in him due to his size, he was never considered a great in-ring performer and was extremely limited.
Gonzales was signed by WWF in early 1993 and debuted at the Royal Rumble that year as a massive giant (complete with airbrushed, furry body outfit), attacking and laying out The Undertaker. That set off a feud between the two that went back and forth for months, including a Wrestlemania match at Mania IX in Las Vegas.
WWF built Gonzales as a huge monster, including angles where he laid out all the major babyfaces of the era at house shows, including Randy Savage and Curt Hennig. Gonzales was managed by Harvey Whippleman during the run, where ended after a Summerslam loss to Taker in a “Rest in Peace” match. WWF set the stage for Gonzales to turn babyface but he soon left the company afterward.
Outside of the United States, Gonzales made a few appearances for both New and All Japan Pro Wrestling and appeared in a memorable episode of “Baywatch” where he played a sad, bullied giant.
After his WWF run ran its course, Gonzales returned to Argentina, where it was said he owned and ran a farm. Last year, he was scheduled to return to the United States for a convention appearance, but his health took a turn for the worse and he canceled the appearance not long after it was announced.
Credit - http://wrestlechat.net & PWInsider
Postives & Negatives in WWE so far in 2010 By Shaun Nichols

I thought that it might be quite interesting to have a look back at the year so far and highlight what I consider to be the main positives and negatives in the WWE this year. First off let's look at the positives.
Sheamus - Although he started the year as the WWE champion after beating John Cena in a Tables match at the TLC PPV it would be a great stretch to say he was genuine main eventer. However throughout this year Sheamus has continued to grow into his role and is proved to be a formidable promo guy, a key skill that you have to have if your going to succeed in the WWE. Triple H's refusal to put him over at Wrestlemania proved to be a minor blip which he overcame by injuring Triple H at the next PPV and being booked strongly throughout the summer. As a wrestler he is still lacking somewhat but with the WWE needing to elevate talent quickly, Sheamus as been one of their bigger successes.
The Miz - Another wrestler that as taken a major step forward this year, his feud last year against John Cena has fortunately become a distant memory. A change of ring gear gave Miz a much needed boost and like Sheamus, he also as great ability on the microphone and as shown a steady improvement in the ring as well. His recent loss to Daniel Bryan will do nothing to slow down his ascent to the top and I have no doubt that he will hold a world title in the next 12 months even if he fails to cash in the MITB briefcase successfully.
Alberto Del Rio - With the WWE finally realising that Rey Mysterio won't be around for much longer, the need for a new Latin star was accepted by the promotion. Del Rio is that man, it's easy to label him as a Mexican version of JBL at this stage. But his promos have all been excellent and by pushing him against Rey and Christian is a clever move because it allows Alberto to have good matches and get the big wins that he will need. The fact that Smackdown does not have a lot of main event talent will also make it easier for him, just wait for the big face turn in the next 18 months.
Chris Jericho - The one main event talent that consistantly is given the job of elevating talent, Chris can be guaranteed to do his best to get his opponent over with the fans, notable wrestlers this year that benefitted at least short term were John Morrison and Evan Bourne. Whether the WWE continued to push these wrestlers or not varied greatly, but they all came away from the matches with Jericho as more over and more relevant with the fans.
Michael Cole - Not in his role as the lead announcer of Raw but as the voice (or should that be 'And I Quote...') for the GM which has turned him into one of the most hated figures in the WWE in the eyes of the fans. His heel commentary on NXT and his continued hatred for Daniel Bryan have made him what the majority thought he could never be - entertaining. Cole apparently is naturally sarcastic and quick witted and when he goes heel ripping on the talent it is fantastic. Cole single handedly made the second episode of NXT season 3 a must see, it's the episode where he goes nuts with the gong and quits because it is beneath him. Hopefully he goes full blown heel which suits him and he we get a new lead announcer of Raw, because Cole finally has found his calling and the lead announcer is not that role.
Now onto the negatives.
John Cena's Promos - As a wrestler he has improved greatly, if you are in any doubt go back to see him wrestle in 2006 he really was hopeless. My main complaint is Cena's promos. There are times when Cena will do a great interview and I have no problem believing that thousands of fans buy the PPV purely because of him. The majority of the time though he will cut a goofy promo which is full of stupid comedy. Surely he could refuse to deliver some of these lines which do nothing to get the feud over and especially with his feud against the Nexus his promos have made fans less likely to want to see them fight because he made Nexus come across as complete jokes rather than a threat to the company.
Drew McIntyre - Simply as a performer he is dull and tedious to watch, unfortunately this as not deterred the WWE from pushing him for the majority of the year with the gimmick of Vince's 'chosen one'. Fans refuse to react to his interviews or his matches. The only blessing was that against all expectations he was not booked to win MITB at Wrestlemania, his wife getting arrested after a night at the Playboy mansion temporarily placed him in the dog house although his new tag team with Cody Rhodes could be another attempt to push him to the top.
Nexus's loss at SummerSlam - The worst booking decision for a main event in a very long time. Nexus was booked as a threat to the company for several weeks in the run up to the show and with Team WWE struggling with in fighting it seemed ridiculous to think that the WWE would not book Nexus to win on their first PPV match. Still when it mattered most, Cena was booked to do his superman routine which competely killed the Nexus gimmick. Nexus as a faction at this point is pretty much dead in the water, the fans have been convinced not to care. The WWE's PPV buy rates are in the toilet, booking decisions like Nexus's loss at that PPV help to explain why.
Edge - I don't have any problem with Edge either as a wrestler or with his interviews, it is rather a case that I do not care about anything he has done over the last few months. Upto Backlash when he was still a babyface feuding with Jericho he had a purpose on TV. Since he went back heel it seems to me that he is just making up the numbers. The reaction he receives especially in his matches come across that the fans are indifferent to him. They would not care if he was on the show or not, now I understand why Vince wanted a lot of his talent on Raw but Edge looks lost and he desperately needs to go back to Smackdown to become relevant again.
Shawn Michaels Retires - Along with Jericho, Shawn was the other great talent on Raw. His promos regardless if they were corny comedy or very serious were always well received by the fans. He had consistantly good matches and smartly realised that there is a lot to be gained if you make your opponent look good as well. Sadly he chose to retire and one of the shining lights of Raw as been greatly missed and while I hope that he enjoys his retirement, as a fan I hope he does come back because Raw is a damn sight more entertaining with him on it.
Thursday, 23 September 2010

On this episode of The Still Real to Us Show: ”The Champ” Jeff Peck and Eric Gargiulo kick off this week's show by discussing some BREAKING NEWS regarding an injury to CHRISTIAN and what it means to his current run in the WWE! The guys look back at WWE NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS and discuss whether RANDY ORTON being the new WWE CHAMPION has anything to do with RAW's poor rating this week. Finally the guys wrap up this week's show by looking at the status of CHRIS JERICHO with the WWE and how they are SICK & TIRED of MATT HARDY!
Download the Podcast – HERE!
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Night of Champions Coverage By N£O

Well the event opens with some impressive Pyro and 13,000 very lucky Americans are absolutely wild this nicely made set is cool with all the championship belt banners hanging down in front of the entrance.
We are then treated......sorry tortured by Vickie Guerrero coming out in support of Mr Ziggles / Mr Perfect mark 2 / Dolph Ziggler, the match with Kofi Kingston starts off pretty much the same as all the other matches.....high-powered fast and enjoyable but do we really care about the result? We will have to wait and see because I don't think that Kofi is going anywhere with this if he wins and it won't make sense if Zigger loses but I write this as it happens so if he does then I'll have to come back to this document and correct it to protect my non existent reputation, so it makes it look like I know what I'm on about.
I'm quite looking forward to the rest of the night though because Cole is already made a reference to Jerry the King Lawler liking young women at the age of 50 and him and Striker have already interrupted each other at least three or four times 10 minutes in and that bodes well for the rest of the night because as they get more excited the entertainment of two men who clearly don't like each other will continue......
According to SKY HD TV, we are 22 min into the event so that is not a bad amount of time to give to Kofi and Dolph, and I have to say it wasn't a bad showing pretty obvious ending that Dolph was going to retain. The only gripe I have with Dolph sleeper hold is that as a fan of ultimate fighting, the sleeper hold which really is a version of the real-life rear naked choke hold, it annoys me after seeing many men who are absolutely harder than any man in the WWE tap out after just five or six seconds that people like Kofi can power out of it and then put one on to Dolph who will then power out as well. I guess I have to remember that this is a cartoon fighting and not real men kicking the living shit out of each other...... On to the next match and Vicky please GO AWAY, you've got your Guerrero inheritance go spend it it instead of spending our fun time in our imaginary world please. Seriously Vickie, the only reason you are still here is 1. BECAUSE YOU WERE MARRIED TO A DEAD LEGEND --------- 2. BECAUSE YOU GET GENUINE HEAT
....deep breaths......1....2.....3.....4
Suddenly all our musings about why Big show and CM punk are having a match when there is not a title on the line has become clear, Tony Chimel makes a big thing about announcing him and there we go...... We'd all forgotten that CM punk is from Chicago and this is his homecoming match and either Big Show wins or CM punk ready for his Babyface turn now SES has gonen, We all forgotten hadn't we but I'm not going to talk about this match because it will be shit.....unless Ultimate Warrior does a run in to his music.
Slightly entertaining spot......Show chest slaps Punk so hard he rolls out the ring..... then swantons Show from inside to outside.
See told ya, he tried to make himself heel for the match by insulting the Chicago peeps but they are still chanting for him.
Remember this is AS IT HAPPENS and I said it was going to be crap but the spots and stunts were not too bad, but completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
Very confident promo by Y2J...........I have to admit, I haven't got a clue who will win the 6 pack but I still think Sheamus to retain.....
Quick patriot spot with the token soldiers at ringside...
I love the Miz but Bryan, please break something of his body.....now if this is a quick match it will give us a hint on whether or not Miz will cash tonight, he will need his energy to screw someone.
Promo for Miz and Bryan............bring it.
Time for a Frosty Jacks with ice before this I think, thank god my Mum's Sunday lunch knocked me out for four hours else I would have watch Liverpool vs Man U and been missing this fast asleep....!
(....and wait your turn Riley.......)
Bryan is smiling from ear to ear as this happens, but how will they do it without affecting Mizano's image, or is it bullet proof....we shall see.
Good match so far, innovative arm lock up which kinda looked like Strictly Come Dancing but not seen that before so that's cool, and I think these two match up quite well, quite a slow pace though as I predicted.
Great showing by these guys...........not pulling any punches.
Later Alex bye bye.....got to give it to Miz for holding his own with Bryan who is excellent...now the crowd are chanting this is awesome........and he taps....TOLD YA TOLD YA TOLD YA!!!!...........
for Bryan.....good for you son.
Clever promo by Cena and now Chicago is bubbling, makes for better matches too...................
Lumber Jill match, going for a piss......hehehehe....I'll have a quick look @ the divas cuz even if your homosexual you have to appreciate the class compared to the scutters from TNA who I don't mind either, it is a dirty job but somebodies got to do it. Melina entrance will probably be the highlight, my girlfriend can nearly stretch that far with help from me....oh no!!! no flexability as King would say? BOOOOOOO right pizza and drinks while they waste 10 minutes of their and our lives.
Well, well, well.....UNIFIED DIVAS CHAMP.......nothing to do with her relationship with Taker.....done on her own merit....well done McCool, like HHH you slept herself to the top!
Here we go....TAKER VS KANE......love it or hate it, none of you are going to change channels are you? Taker comes out first, indication of things to come or just champ has to come out last? Anticipation isn't the word....Undertaker (Mark Calloway) was the reason I got into wrestling not Hogan, twenty plus years ago, so this is a dream come true for me, although I hope this two event feud is the last, a swan song and they are at it straight away.
.....10 minutes in and they are really trying, Glen Jacobs is flying and Calloway is selling it briiliantly, these guys know eachother so well I wonder whether they even scripted this apart from the ending?
Had to pause it to write this because if you are enjoying this then you are a genuine old skool wrestling fan, they have given a good showing, thank you future Hall of Famers.
WOW WOW What a match, you have to admit that was good.... Taker did the job, I just hope Glen does the job back for him at Hell In the Cell.
More More More
Tag team turmoil?? The guys from MOS were right, why was this not built up though? It looks like from the nonsense I can take from the introduction it's an elimination tag match with gauntlet rules.......please tell me why? Why not have a normal 3-way or 4-way face off? Not sure if I want to use baby wipes to clean my fingers to type about this one because I'm enjoying my spicy pepperoni thin crust too much than I probably will do this match........
Oh as I am walking downstairs I hear the Harts get eliminated so we must be looking at McIntyre and Rhodes as champs.......non?
I swear I am using my voice recog as it happens I have no idea what's going to happen
Had to sit down now and....hang on the twins are out......oh I must be right cuz Santino cannot hold a belt.
Yep, he can't, so it's Bourne to do some stunts, see N£O knows his stuff........just to prove I'm 121 minutes in and counting, and Rhodes is just rolling Bourne back into the ring.
McIntyre was obviously injured slightly because he hardly wrestled.
Del Rio says "mentally constipated" in the chopped promo and I choke on my pot noodle.Bombay Bad Boy, which is hot enough with out the taste coming back into my throat, especially as I added extra chilli from the fridge to it........ow....ow....ow...............OW
Here we go, six pack challenge.
Sheamus bigs himself up, yeah you never lose because you bum Levesque (HHH) in the gym....quite excited about this one, and here comes the champ first, TOO MANY LIES
Ooooooohhhh Cena next, usually comes out last, will King say the roof has come off the stadium????? Guess that means Orton will get the last pop.
Barrett next or should that be Barrett NXT?? Bare Knuckle Commonwealth Champ Matt...? Really?
Report to you Stuart after this man- I am gonna enjoy this one. Oh and Y2J has jobbed already.Good for you Chris, giving it to the new guys......
Brilliant scripting while Cena was on the edge of the ring, the timing of the cast was perfect, the Chicago crowd are cummin in their tights
Edge is gone, nice little sequence.
.....The apex predator is in the house, if he wins I will eat my hat and shoes and jeans and my £245 Nike Jacket hehehehe........... Looks like he means business............Copeland on a mission tonight??? SPEAR SPEAR SPEARis here and Striker reminds us that he has a new DVD coming out, mmmmmmmmm so many factors........., TOO MANY LIES
but if the Hart's have been eliminated it MUST go to them two, surely not the ITALIAN-RUSSIAN connection or the Uso's / Uzo's (those guys who look the same!!!!) they are chanting.
Well everyone's music hits to big pops and suddenly the warriors are standing in the ring.
Now I heard the Jericho had a bit of an injury which now makes sense because Jericho is quickly eliminated and when he took his first few bumps, he didn't have much sell in the landings and it looks like he was favouring something possibly his back becasue he didn't take a big back bump. Quite clearly it's worked on the Jericho rumours and stories that Jericho is is leaving the WWE.
Luckily for us Ministry of Slam Radio have exclusively revealed that they are getting an interview with Y2J so hopefully we'll get some answers and find out what Chris's future plans are and what WWE's future plans are for him and also where this storyline that they've been running that Jericho is becoming even more and more frustrated with the WWE management, in his character having a go at Michael Cole at the GM laptop desk and you know some of his promos have been so anti-establishment.
And all of a sudden it was really is a five way dance, and then we have the gang up on Wade Barrett just to establish that everyone doesn't like Barrett even the two heels which I suppose makes Wade a super-heel which we knew anyway. It makes me laugh the way he was pointing to the yellow 'N' armband and saying I am the leader. How dare you fella because you're not the leaders of these four men. These four superstars are currently the four biggest draws in the WWE, excluding the big names on SMACKDOWN.
As I watch the crowds are absolutely going mental.
Michael Cole has mentioned it lots more times. He needs to though, you can tell him, King and Striker are genuinely excited.
The crowd are absolutely electric and you can hear in their voices, the divisions in popularity for their favourite star.
Every single spot in this match has been choreographed and scripted almost like a Hollywood movie and is perfectly timed in every sense and there is not improvising by any of these guys and this has been cleverly worked out (EVEN CENA ISN'T VISIBLY CALLING SPOTS OUT LOUD)
It wouldn't surprise me if all five of them and (Jericho would really need to be involved, Jericho is renowned for his wrestling brain) to maybe all six of them are the referee, Stephanie, HHH, Taker and a few of the booking team of all sat around and really scripted this just like an episode of Frasier!!!
So we now left with the little face-offs, Cena does a not very good at all dropkick (!!!!) and I have to agree with King I can't remember seeing that since his debut days in those matches with Angle.
We now have the sort of Sheamus / Edge heel vs the Cena / Orton babyface kinda fell to it and it's all kicking off and it's very well done all the spots are meticulously worked out so the right people are in the ring at the right time.
The buzz gets killed as no-one really cares about Cena and Randy having a rest outside while Ginger and Blondie square off.
Don't even know where Barrett is......
Predictable set of counters and Edge does the job, we are down to four.......
Then we are reminded that we are meant to take Barrett seriously even though he was supposedly a rookied a few months ago as he goes toe to toe with the 9 time champ Cena. By the way I like Barrett, even if his finisher is shite.
Then a little bit of a shock,
Cena gets eliminated after any XT do I agree with Michael Cole is not a shock running, but the elimination of Sina from Barrett's wasteland, is quite a shock. I was expecting at least Cena to make it to the final 2 to get the big pops. So now we know that something special is going to happen. We've got Sheamus, Orton, and the leader of the Nexus left.
Suddenly, we are sold the idea that maybe Wade Barrett is going to be the next WWE champion, or at least the last one standing with Sheamus.......I think Randy has other ideas!
I'm looking forward to seeing the sequence of RKO's he's just about to hit at the fourth time of watching the last 8 minutes.
The crowd go mental and suddenly you might get the feeling that it i night b the Viper's night but remember, the human jar of mayonnaise is having a little rest down outside of camera shot. Roandy is on fire and coiling but I always worry that he will dislocate that shoulder again and there we go, Nexus and Wade are history.
Orton kicks out of the Sheamus pre-finisher kick which has won him matches over mid carders and lower tier talent, but not this man, then he goes for the Celtic Cross (wasn't that the name of Finlay's move?)
RKO after the reversal and we were all wrong....Orton is WWE Champion for the 7th time...........but we are reminded by Striker that Hell In A Cell is only two weeks away........mmmmmmmmm
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Total Wrestling Vol. 3 DVD Review By Shaun Nichols
Problem getting onto the DVD review site so I am having to post the latest review here, thanks to Shaun Nichols for the review.

We start in PWG which is widely seen as the number two independent promotion in the US behind ROH. The first match took place at the big DDT4 tag team tournament in 2007 and was pushed as the first singles match between CIMA and Danielson. The opening exchanges are very reminicent of a exhibition match. Lots of nice reversals, clean breaks etc which the fans were enjoying. Match finally takes a more serious tone with both wrestlers having long spells of controls and CIMA doing surprisingly well against Danielson on the mat. All the big moves were on show including dives, coast to coast from CIMA, the iconaclasm, cattle mutaliation on a number of occasions, schwein hit at least twice and Danielson using the elbows which nearly earned him the victory. Fans were basically standing up for the final few minutes and thoroughly enjoyed this excellent 30 minute draw. Fans asked for another five minutes which didn't occur.
Staying with PWG but moving forward to the BOLA 2009 was a very heated tag team title match. The champions are the Young Bucks who had been the title holders for a long time. If you haven't seen PWG then seeing the Bucks as hated heels may take some getting used to, as they are generally faces everywhere else. Match started with Steen teabagging the unfortunate Matt Jackson much to his disgust and the fans amusements. Young Bucks still do all their great double team spots but insist on either posing to draw heat or in some cases do moves such as hand spring elbows into a back scratch or a poke into the eye. Steen isn't a regular with PWG, El Generico at that stage was teaming regularly with Human Tornado in PWG. El Generico as he always is, is just completely loved and plays the perfect babyface in trouble. Steen then makes the big comeback and the Bucks go flying was the story. This match also had a number of excellent false finishes including the Bucks hitting their finisher of More Bang for Your Buck for a close two count, while the challengers nailed Nick Jackson with the package piledriver into the brainbuster for an insane two count. In the end though it was the champions who retained after eliminating Generico, Steen was hit by a number of superkicks including two stereo dropkicks for the pinfall loss.
Moving onto JAPW, we have a considerable drop in quality. The story being that LAX especially Homicide are trying to drive Teddy Hart out of the promotion, a perfectly justifiable quest in my eyes. The match was fought inside a steel cage and was fought 2 on 1 as Samoa Joe for no apparent reason takes an age to make his appearance. This match just never caught fire maybe the audience was waiting for Joe to turn on Hart as I was, it just seemed a matter of time before it happened and Samoa Joe several minutes after his arrival nailed his tag team partner and left the cage. More double teaming followed before Hart was put out of his misery after Homicide nailed him with the Cop Killa. After the match Teddy Hart cut a promo saying that Homicide would never drive him out of JAPW.
Leaving the US, the next three matches take place on the big NOAH show as a part of their 10th Anniversary which took place on August 22nd. The first match see NOAH's Jr Tag champs Marvin and Ishimori who should be a major star in the next 12 to 18 months defending against NJPW duo of Kanemoto and Tiger Mask. This was another really enjoyable tag team match with Kanemoto again being absolutely superb as the cocky heel and Ishimori as the fiery babyface. Full of great wrestling, stiff kicks and strong comebacks this didn't quite capture the live audience as it did me. They enjoyed this but I thought they would react more strongly to this, the challengers prevailed when Kanemoto secured the win after nailing a reverse tiger suplex to end the champions six month title reign.
Up next was the semi main event and was another NOAH vs. NJPW in what was built up as G1 Climax grudge match, the fans certainly saw this as a big match, though Nakamura looked like he would rather go for a sleep. This was a typical heavyweight match with both wrestlers trading chops, kicks etc but not many big moves so the match built quite slowly. It was also interesting to see how Shiozaki has continued to develop as a star in NOAH since his time in ROH. Fans did pop big for Shiozaki when he was offence and were thrilled to see him victorious when he hit Nakamura with a modified Go Flasher.
The last match from the NOAH show was one which occured earlier on in the show featuring KENTA going against Aoki who has been involved in some great matches. This match had a simple plan of being used to elevate Aoki as a talent. With KENTA still being completely over with the fans and Aoki more than holding his own and on a number of occasions seemed to be on the verge of getting another big win. However it was KENTA who emerged victorious after hittinng GTS for the pinfall.
The final match on this compliation comes from ROH Live in Osaka show from July 2007. With the No Remorse Corps with Mochizuki taking on the aces of ROH, DG and NOAH. The downside to this is that it's very difficult to see the NRC winning this. CIMA especially was over in DG's home territory. All six men get plenty of time to look good as the match swung from one teams advantage to the other. Romero looked great doing his modified cross arm breaker which he even hooked from the top rope down to the mat. Mochizuki and Richards kicks were super stiff as you would imagine, while it wouldn't be a Danielson match without Cattle Mutaliation. In the end though it was CIMA and Marufuji working together to hit the unfortunate Romero with a shiranui and then a schwein for the popular win.
Overall this is a strong compilation with an interesting look at the recent NOAH show, two awesome PWG matches with only the travesty of Teddy Hart being anything close to being a negative.
Total Wrestling Vol. 3
CIMA vs. Bryan Danielson ****1/4
Young Bucks vs. El Generico & Kevin Steen ****1/2
LAX vs. Teddy Hart & Samoa Joe **1/2
Koji Kanemoto & Tiger Mask IV vs. Ricky Marvin & Taiji Ishimori ***3/4
Go Shiozaki vs. Shinsuke Nakamura ***1/4
KENTA vs. Atsushi Aoki ***3/4
Bryan Danielson, CIMA & Noamichi Marufuji vs. Davey Richards, Rocky Romero & Masaaki Mochizuki ****

We start in PWG which is widely seen as the number two independent promotion in the US behind ROH. The first match took place at the big DDT4 tag team tournament in 2007 and was pushed as the first singles match between CIMA and Danielson. The opening exchanges are very reminicent of a exhibition match. Lots of nice reversals, clean breaks etc which the fans were enjoying. Match finally takes a more serious tone with both wrestlers having long spells of controls and CIMA doing surprisingly well against Danielson on the mat. All the big moves were on show including dives, coast to coast from CIMA, the iconaclasm, cattle mutaliation on a number of occasions, schwein hit at least twice and Danielson using the elbows which nearly earned him the victory. Fans were basically standing up for the final few minutes and thoroughly enjoyed this excellent 30 minute draw. Fans asked for another five minutes which didn't occur.
Staying with PWG but moving forward to the BOLA 2009 was a very heated tag team title match. The champions are the Young Bucks who had been the title holders for a long time. If you haven't seen PWG then seeing the Bucks as hated heels may take some getting used to, as they are generally faces everywhere else. Match started with Steen teabagging the unfortunate Matt Jackson much to his disgust and the fans amusements. Young Bucks still do all their great double team spots but insist on either posing to draw heat or in some cases do moves such as hand spring elbows into a back scratch or a poke into the eye. Steen isn't a regular with PWG, El Generico at that stage was teaming regularly with Human Tornado in PWG. El Generico as he always is, is just completely loved and plays the perfect babyface in trouble. Steen then makes the big comeback and the Bucks go flying was the story. This match also had a number of excellent false finishes including the Bucks hitting their finisher of More Bang for Your Buck for a close two count, while the challengers nailed Nick Jackson with the package piledriver into the brainbuster for an insane two count. In the end though it was the champions who retained after eliminating Generico, Steen was hit by a number of superkicks including two stereo dropkicks for the pinfall loss.
Moving onto JAPW, we have a considerable drop in quality. The story being that LAX especially Homicide are trying to drive Teddy Hart out of the promotion, a perfectly justifiable quest in my eyes. The match was fought inside a steel cage and was fought 2 on 1 as Samoa Joe for no apparent reason takes an age to make his appearance. This match just never caught fire maybe the audience was waiting for Joe to turn on Hart as I was, it just seemed a matter of time before it happened and Samoa Joe several minutes after his arrival nailed his tag team partner and left the cage. More double teaming followed before Hart was put out of his misery after Homicide nailed him with the Cop Killa. After the match Teddy Hart cut a promo saying that Homicide would never drive him out of JAPW.
Leaving the US, the next three matches take place on the big NOAH show as a part of their 10th Anniversary which took place on August 22nd. The first match see NOAH's Jr Tag champs Marvin and Ishimori who should be a major star in the next 12 to 18 months defending against NJPW duo of Kanemoto and Tiger Mask. This was another really enjoyable tag team match with Kanemoto again being absolutely superb as the cocky heel and Ishimori as the fiery babyface. Full of great wrestling, stiff kicks and strong comebacks this didn't quite capture the live audience as it did me. They enjoyed this but I thought they would react more strongly to this, the challengers prevailed when Kanemoto secured the win after nailing a reverse tiger suplex to end the champions six month title reign.
Up next was the semi main event and was another NOAH vs. NJPW in what was built up as G1 Climax grudge match, the fans certainly saw this as a big match, though Nakamura looked like he would rather go for a sleep. This was a typical heavyweight match with both wrestlers trading chops, kicks etc but not many big moves so the match built quite slowly. It was also interesting to see how Shiozaki has continued to develop as a star in NOAH since his time in ROH. Fans did pop big for Shiozaki when he was offence and were thrilled to see him victorious when he hit Nakamura with a modified Go Flasher.
The last match from the NOAH show was one which occured earlier on in the show featuring KENTA going against Aoki who has been involved in some great matches. This match had a simple plan of being used to elevate Aoki as a talent. With KENTA still being completely over with the fans and Aoki more than holding his own and on a number of occasions seemed to be on the verge of getting another big win. However it was KENTA who emerged victorious after hittinng GTS for the pinfall.
The final match on this compliation comes from ROH Live in Osaka show from July 2007. With the No Remorse Corps with Mochizuki taking on the aces of ROH, DG and NOAH. The downside to this is that it's very difficult to see the NRC winning this. CIMA especially was over in DG's home territory. All six men get plenty of time to look good as the match swung from one teams advantage to the other. Romero looked great doing his modified cross arm breaker which he even hooked from the top rope down to the mat. Mochizuki and Richards kicks were super stiff as you would imagine, while it wouldn't be a Danielson match without Cattle Mutaliation. In the end though it was CIMA and Marufuji working together to hit the unfortunate Romero with a shiranui and then a schwein for the popular win.
Overall this is a strong compilation with an interesting look at the recent NOAH show, two awesome PWG matches with only the travesty of Teddy Hart being anything close to being a negative.
Total Wrestling Vol. 3
CIMA vs. Bryan Danielson ****1/4
Young Bucks vs. El Generico & Kevin Steen ****1/2
LAX vs. Teddy Hart & Samoa Joe **1/2
Koji Kanemoto & Tiger Mask IV vs. Ricky Marvin & Taiji Ishimori ***3/4
Go Shiozaki vs. Shinsuke Nakamura ***1/4
KENTA vs. Atsushi Aoki ***3/4
Bryan Danielson, CIMA & Noamichi Marufuji vs. Davey Richards, Rocky Romero & Masaaki Mochizuki ****
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Matt Hardy: What's With This Guy By Stuart Rodgers

Matt Hardy is creating an internet buzz at the moment but the last time he was big on the internet for his personal life was in 2005 when his relationship with Amy Dumas (Lita) was ripped apart after Dumas had an affair with Edge. Hardy got the sympathy vote from the fans but it still led to him being released by the WWE which led him to do a few dates on the indy scene more notably ROH. But soon enough, he was back in the WWE and the real-life situation between himself, Lita & Edge was turned into an on-screen angle which because it was pro wrestling made a lot of fans think it was a work in the first place. Fast forward to 2010, his brother Jeff is in TNA and despite people trashing TNA's product and saying that WWE is far superior to the TNA group Jeff seems happy at where he is now and sometime ago there was a page on facebook set up entitled 'Free Matt Hardy' and now with all Hardy's crazy antics on twitter and youtube is a release exactly what he is aiming for? After listening to the current Still Real To Us podcast (link on my page) the hosts seem to think that if Matt was released and after 90 days went to TNA to join Jeff it wouldn't be that big of a deal but yet, they also say the reason he hasn't been released is because WWE fear Matt will go to TNA to give us a Hardy Boyz reunion. I really don't know what to make of this whole thing really, but it could be a work, maybe WWE are willing to try a different route away from their current product, maybe they want to create a new 'Loose Cannon' character. I think though he wants his release, wether to go to TNA or not, I just think Matt Hardy wants out of the WWE. I would like it to be a work in a way and see WWE go down this route of having Matt as a 'loose cannon' character because the direction the WWE is going no isn't the best really. We'll have to wait and see.
The Still Real To Us Podcast (16/9/10)

On this episode of The Still Real to Us Show: ”The Champ” Jeff Peck and Eric Garguilo start off the show by discussing the recent MATT HARDY DEBACLE and if this is all a ploy to get into TNA! While discussing recent controversial tweets the guys bring up KEVIN NASH's DRUNKEN TWITTER THEATER and what it means to his future in TNA! The guys then wrap up the show with THE CHAMP discussing ROH GLORY BY HONOR IX, getting to know CHRIS HERO and their predictions for WWE NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS!
Download the Podcast – HERE!
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Homicide Back in ROH, is he a failed TNA star? By Stuart Rodgers

On September 11th Homicide returned to ROH following his release from TNA. I have decided on this topic because I was listening to an Observer Wrestling radio show with Dave Meltzer & Bryan Alverez in which Meltzer basically said that the ROH fans will not take to Homicide as they did when he was there before leaving for TNA as he “failed” in TNA. Alverez however disagreed with Meltzer because it wasn't a case of Homicide failing in TNA because we know, when given a chance he was easily one of the best on the roster and to be frank, got fucked in TNA. Friends of mine who have known me for a while like fellow blog contribtor Shaun Nichoils will know I was a big mark for Homicide in his days on the indies especially his days in JAPW and of course ROH. I didn't follow his career in TNA too closely but what I did see was ok but just was never going to be ROH quality action. I know Meltzer is percieved as somewhat of a guru in pro-wrestling but I think it's a bit short-sighted to think the ROH fans are that fickle even though on this very same show the same fans gave outgoing Tyler Black the “you sold out” chants for leaving to go to WWE but Homicide didn't get those same chants and when he returned to ROH for a one off show he was well-recieved. Meltzer seems to think maybe only Bryan Danielson would be fully welcomed back by the ROH fans but the likes of Samoa Joe would't because his stock has dropped so much yet I don't think so because much like with Homicide, in TNA he has been retricted by the booking and politics. I'd love to see the old guard back in ROH such as Danielson, Joe, CM Punk, AJ Styles and TNA's biggest plusses, The Motor City Machine Guns who as singles wrestlers got their main exposure to wrestling fansin ROH.
Now Homicide is back in ROH there are so many great matches on the horizon for him, new champion Roderick Strong, old foes Austin Aries and Christopher Daniels and one I am looking forward to is Homicide against Davey Richards who also announced at the September 11th PPV he was staying around and not retiring just yet, we know Davey has a shot at the ROH strap at the next ROH iPPV Final Battle in December but who will be the champion by then, here's hoping it's not Strong and maybe Homicide.
Dragon Gate UK, Sept 10th 2010 - Phil Jones Reports

In 2009 I attended all three of Dragon Gate's European shows – Barcelona,Spain; Oberhausen, Germany; and in Oxford, England. It was a hectic weekend full of early starts, travelling and very, very good wrestling.
This year DG returned to Europe for three dates: two in England and one in Germany. Although circumstances dictated that I couldn't attend all three shows, I had to at least attend one and that is what I did...
Despite the Broxbourne Civic Hall in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire having played host to many major UK events in the past, including the FWA and Ring Of Honor, Friday September 10 marked my first time at the venue. And I couldn't have been more impressed. The venue is perfect for pro wrestling. Sight lines are superb and there isn't a bad seat in the house. Even if you're sat in the back row of the bleachers you'll be able to see everything crystal clear. I'd even compare the venue to two of my favourite wrestling venues – Tokyo's Korakuen Hall and Philadelphia's ECW Arena/New Alhambra.
You have to hand it to Mark Sloan. With the DG talent in the back, Mark could have easily phoned it in production wise. But no. Mark's set-up was superb. Great lightning, custom DG ring mat and turnbuckle covers and a awesome entrance stage. Top marks.
The in-ring action more than lived-up to the standards set by Dragon Gate last year. The main event six-man tag team match (PAC & Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk vs CIMA & Maasaki Mochizuki & Dragon Kid) was a typical DG main event – out of this world! Pac is unbelievable and in, his post-match speech, you could really feel how much he loves Dragon Gate.
The rematch between Shingo and Susumu Yokosuka was epic. They pretty much lariated and chopped the hell of each other. And Shingo's win ties the series which pretty match guarantees a rubber match on UK soil in 2011. Bring it on...
The remaining matches varied from very good (Mark Haskins vs Lion Kid) to excellent (Naruki Doi vs YAMATO) whilst the 'bonus match' opener of the All-Stars (Robbie Dynamite & Mikey Whiplash) winning the IPW:UK tag titles from the Leaders of the New School (Zack Sabre Jr. & Marty Scurll) was as innovative as it was thrilling.
Full results:
A – IPW:UK tag team championship: The All-Stars (Robbie Dynamite & Mikey Whiplash) defeated The Leaders of the New School (Zack Sabre Jr. & Marty Scurll) © to win the titles
1 – Cyber Kong pinned Joey Hayes
2 - “The Star Attraction” Mark Haskins beat Lion Kid
3 – Shingo pinned Susumu Yokosuka
4 – Naruki Doi beat YAMATO
5 – PAC & Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk defeated CIMA & Maasaki Mochizuki & Dragon Kid
Thursday, 9 September 2010

On this episode of The Still Real to Us Show: ”The Champ” Jeff Peck and Eric Garguilo open up the show by discussing the DIXIE CARTER shoot interview with "YOU SHOOT!" We give our thoughts on the shoot interview and look at whether or not it was a good business move for TNA! We then discuss the new EXECUTIVE role for TRIPLE H in the WWE and how it will affect the future of WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT! We then wrap up this week's show by discussing THE MIZ/DANIEL BRYAN feud, the WWE MONEY IN THE BANK & TNA HARDCORE JUSTICE pay-per-view buyrates and JIM "THE ANVIL" NEIDHART getting arrested!
Download the Podcast – HERE!
TNA is not DOA By Sam Dent

One of a wrestling fan's favorite things to do is to talk about the state of each perspective company. Can WWE stop making John Cena look like Superman or worse yet, Hulk Hogan. Can ROH ever become a national power? Will the Hogan/Bischoff/Russo era finally get things right in TNA? And the most popular question as of late; When will TNA go out of business?
I might be one of the last TNA supporters around the wrestling blogsphere. I have been to house shows, bought the DVD's and just generally mark out whenever I run across one of the guys in my travels all over the country. TNA,when started,was a saving grace in what had become a skit driven wrestling society. No longer did we have to accept the WWE style of force feeding us Jim Ross anal surgery jokes, Triple H necrophilia storylines, and the constant barrage of telling us what a great worker Batista is. TNA become the home to great wrestling driven storylines where the fans appreciated the in ring work and not who could give you the best tag line.
Then a funny thing happened along the way. TNA decided to turn into 1998 WCW. We were subjected to penis jokes and horrible gimmicks. Wrestling became secondary to the comical musings of a sophomoric minded creative team. Storylines would be started and stopped on a weekly basis and heel turns and face turns were ignored almost immediately after they started. It was A.D.D. wrestling at it's finest. Ideas that failed miserably in the late 90's were brought out of the storage closets and tried to pass for fresh, new innovative ideas. True talents like AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels were relegated to comic relief in favor of the older,more established stars like Jeff Jarret and Kevin Nash. Established stars yes, but no longer the in ring presence they once were.
Now we stand here in the middle of the Hogan-Bischoff era of TNA. TNA started with a flourish with their one hour live Monday Night special, garnering national media attention with Hogan's debut with the company. The little train that could decided to take on the mega company that is the WWE and people were hoping for a revival of the old Monday Night Wars between WCW and WWE. For as much blame and criticism that Hogan has received over the years, the man does have a mind and a love for this business that many workers do not have. Eric Bischoff, for all his detractors, does know how to generate intrest and money. Hell, the guy made Scott Baio relevant and watchable. So, it was with high hopes that the regime took control of the company. The problem was that Hogan and Bischoff did not know most of the talent on the roster. They knew their guys like Sting, Nash, Jarrett, Angle but the rest of the roster was almost completely foreign to them.
So 9 months later and where does TNA stand now? Many people are upset with the direction of the company. From poor signings to the constant swinging of heel and face turns, TNA still has its drawbacks and is still stuck in 2nd place.But I want to focus on some of the areas that TNA has succeeded.
The Knockout division of TNA is still the best women's wrestling in the country. True, TNA did lose probably the most dominant force in women's wrestling when Awesome Kong left, but they have managed to overcome that with compelling characters. The Beautiful People's rise to power and the subsequent dismantling and now rebirth has dominated the TNA scene for almost a year. When Angelina Love and Velvet Sky debuted in TNA I thought that they were going to be no more than nice looking jobbers for the rest of the division. But they have become decent workers and their charisma and mic work has really taken hold of the division. Madison Rayne has come on from comic sidekick to the best heel in the division and now alongside Tara form a nice duo. You still have the underrated women around like Taylor Wilde, Hamada, Daffney, and Sarita. And if you ever want a good laugh, there is always Lacey Von Erich trying to wrestle. From top to bottom, TNA has the best depth of any women's division in wrestling.
I also feel that the men's roster of TNA is the deepest in wrestling. Now with having a deep roster, you do have your drawbacks. With only having one show, not all the talent can be showcased. But TNA has worked on finding out which guys the fans do care about and which ones don't. AJ STyles had a rough transition at first going from the comic heel, to face of the company, to now being the top heel. But as with any challenge he has faced, AJ has accepted it and grown into that role of being the top heel. His mic work gets better every year and the pairing with Flair has really helped him. The Fortune Faction as a whole is a great collection of talent also. Beer Money, for my money (pun intended), is the best tag team in wrestling today. Matt Morgan is a young Mark Callaway. Doug Williams is a great technician in the mold of William Regal. Kaz has really come on since being moved into the group and Ric Flair still cuts the best promo in the industry. You also still have the young talents that have elevated their game like Jay Lethal, Brian Kendrick and The Motor City Machine Guns.
On top of the young talent you still have the veteran stars that can still go. Jeff hardy and Kurt Angle just had one of the best matches I have ever seen at No surrender that I have seen in years. Both men busting their tails for over 30 mins. Classic mat wrestling, high flying, crazy bumps and blood all in one match. Then you have the surprisingly solid Mr. Anderson, who seemingly has put all his negative WWE work behind him. DeAngelo Dinero, for some crazy reason, is still one of the best faces in the company. Samoa Joe, who never knows what TNA is going to do with him, still comes out and puts on a great in ring performance night after night after night. Even to my chagrin, the EV 2.0 group has looked good in the ring. Rhyno is maybe the most under appreciated heavyweight in the last 10 years. Tommy Dreamer can still make you want to follow him into the depths of hell with his apssion for wrestling. Sabu look even crazier than ever.Even a couple of the old WCW guys, Kevin Nash and Sting can still be compelling when used in the right situation. And the founder, Jeff Jarrett, has looked good in recent months in the ring.
TNA has the roster depth and the athletes to become a solid number 2 company. The only thing holding them back is themselves. If TNA can straighten out the booking situation and return to more of the wrestling style that they were founded on, I see nothing but success for the company.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Random Ramblings By Stuart Rodgers

A while ago I wrote a little piece about pro wrestling internet radio shows and at the end of the article I ranted on the Ministry of Slam show and boy, how things have moved on. I carried on listening to the show, hoping I would get surprised one week but I didn't, the show was as dire as ever. They still only cover WWE and TNA as it's 'mainstream' and it's 'what the listeners want'. I got into shall we say, a debate with one of the 2,000 hosts (sorry, there is just a mere 5 hosts) Andy Evans (pictured). This kicked off because on their shows facebook page they announced they would be having ROH owner Cary Silkin on as a guest and I just found this laughable as they don't cover the product, they don't know the product and they were just having Cary on because ROH are having internet PPV on September 11th http://www.rohwrestling.com/glorybyhonor. I will talk about this interview further on in the article. I again explained my opinions on the show and all I got was all I do is be negative towards the show, well f**k me, what do they expect? I'm sorry, if there is nothing positive in MY opinion what should I do? Am I supposed to be a MOS 'fanboy' and say everything is great when it just isn't?
My debate with Andy ended with me saying I wouldn't listen to the show again because I can't see the light through the trees. Anyway, on Sunday night I was on my facebook page and I got an instant message off a friend who still listens to the show and they told me how Lee Tyers made himself look silly, which isn't hard by asking Cary what sort of relationship he has with WWE as when Bryan Danielson was 'fired' by WWE he worked the indies and ROH. Cary just replied by saying "zero relationship because Danielson didn't work for us at that time" when I was told this I thought this was hilarious, I got onto facebook and saw Evans online and just said "great research" he replied "I thought you wasn't going to listen" so I explained I was given the message, following this he did his usual and moaned as I was being negative. Evans said something else, which I forget now but I know it led to me telling him that I do know my stuff as far as wrestling goes, the two promotions they cover aswell as the indies, puro (had to explain to him that was Japanese wrestling) and of course ROH. He came back with some comment spitting his dummy out so I just said "oh, you must of mis-read Wikipedia" (relating to Tyers' comment about Danielson in ROH) something they were accused of doing (getting their info off Wikipedia) many moons ago on an iTunes review of their show and following that he just put "bye bye" - CLASS!! Following this Evans deleted me as a 'friend' on facebook.
This people is not the way to run a pro wrestling radio show, take the good with the bad, if for any reason you get negative comments, don't throw your toys out the pram, try and embrace what is being said and try and change.
Once again, for a great wrestling radio show check out the Still Real To Us podcast which can be found http://wheelhouseradio.com under the Real Guy Radio tab, it is recorded every Thursday and available for download on a Friday. Another great show, THE number 1 in the UK is Drop Kick Radio http://dropkickradio.com just recently they have had great interviews with Jim Cornette (August 21st show) and Charlie Hass (September 2nd show) and more to come. DKR realise, even though WWE & TNA are the only 'mainstream' products in the UK, the fans out there do follow other products so they should be covered.
Just as I was going to submit this, I got a message saying that the MOS team announced they were going to a Dragon Gate show next weekend - that my friends is priceless!!
Saturday, 4 September 2010
PAC Wins Dragon Gate Title Reports Shaun Nichols

Congratulations go to PAC who won his first singles Dragon Gate championship in Fukuoka on August 29th. He won the Open the Brave Gate title, which is DG's secondary singles belt. The title was vacated by Masato Yoshino after he was victorious in a title vs title match against Osaka Pro's Tigers Mask on August 14th.
The championship was decided in a eight man tournament held in front of nearly 2500 fans. During the tournament PAC secured wins against Genki Horiguchi in the first round, in the semi finals he defeated KAGETORA. Which set up a final against current co-holder of the Open the Twin Gate titles Susumu Yokosuka. After 20 minutes it was PAC that emerged triumphant after nailing Yokosuka with the Shooting Star Press to claim the gold.
To follow whats happening in Dragon Gate including results, schedules, archives and roster information. I recommend http://dgusa.puroresufan.com which I think is a great site.
Thursday, 2 September 2010

On this episode of The Still Real to Us Show: ”The Champ” Jeff Peck is joined by Captain Obvious! The guys discuss the RAW 900TH EPISODE with their thoughts on the show itself as well as discussing some of their FAVORITE and LEAST FAVORITE MOMENTS of the past 900 SHOWS of MONDAY NIGHT RAW! The guys also discuss the WINNER of NXT SEASON 2's future in the WWE, thoughts on SEASON 3 and the future of the NXT franchise! Finally the guys wrap up the show by discussing whether or not the WWE should UNIFY all their championships and we review some interesting comments from AJ STYLES!
Download the Podcast – HERE!
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