* The show kicked off with Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness in the ring and their intro is interrupted by the renewed evil Jimmy Jacobs. Jacobs said over the past year that he and Steve Corino had been trying to be good and Steen was trying to stop them. He said being good wasn't for him and the Zombie Princess had risen from the dead. El Generico ran to the ring with referee Todd Sinclair. Generico attacked Jacobs and it was announced that ROH granted Generico's challenge to Steen.
(1) Jimmy Jacobs defeated El Generico. They fought over the spike, and Jacobs rolled up Generico for the pin.
(2) Tomasso Ciampa (w/The Embassy) defeated Cedric Alexander (w/Caprice Coleman). Ciampa attacked before the bell. He connected with two knees that drove Cedric's head into the ring post and covered for the victory. After the match, Prince Nana kicked Coleman and Coleman went after him only to take Project Cimapa.
(3) TJ Perkins defeated Fire Ant. Perkins connected with the 450 splash for the win. After the match, they shook hands.
(4) Kyle O'Reilly defeated Adam Cole. The feed cut out during introductions. GFL put up a statement on their page saying the power was out. Although, people in attendance reported that there was indeed power in the building. GFL said there is a "brownout," apparently not having enough power to transmit.
(5) The Young Buck defeated The All Night Express in a Street Fight match. While Titus hit a power bomb through a table, King goes through the table as well via a superplex. Matt covers King to get the win
* Mike Bennett with Maria cuts a promo on beating Lance Storm last night. He says it was bigger to him than winning the World title. He says he should call himself a World champion because he's that good. He makes out with Maria for a long time in the ring to chants of "Yes!"
(6) The Briscoe Brothers defeated Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team to retain the ROH Tag Team Championships. Benjamin took Mark out and Haas locked in his Haas of Pain on Jay. Jay was able to make it to the ropes and they setup for the Leap of Faith. Mark recovered and hit a missile dropkick on Benjamin. Jay rolled Haas up for the pinfall.
(7) Kevin Steen defeated Eddie Edwards. Steen hit a power bomb for a near fall. Edwards tried for the Achilles Lock and he locked it in. Steen hits an inside cradle for the win.
(8) Roderick Strong (w/Truth Martini) defeated Jay Lethal for the ROH Television Championship. Ciampa grabbed Lethal and slammed him into the post. He rolled Lethal back in the ring and Strong hit the Strong Bow for the pinfall.
(9) Davey Richards defeated Michael Elgin (w/ Truth Martini) to retain the ROH World Championship. Elgin rolled through the Ankle Lock and sent Richards into the corner. Richards hit a kick to the head and he only got a one count. Richards with a series of kicks for a near fall and finally a round house kick to the head for the win. After the match, Davey grabbed a mic and put over ROH and Elgin.
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