Recently, Steve Austin tweeted and I quote "WWE should sign @SamoaJoe as soon as his TNA contract is up. One of my favorite workers in today's game. Needs a full green light push."
I am not alone as a Samoa Joe fan, I loved him in ROH where his style fit so well. Back in 2005 when CM Punk was being linked with the WWE under the advice of Mick Foley, Samoa Joe was also being touted by Foley to the WWE as a possible addition to the roster and I asked this to Foley on camera and for anyone who has seen the Universal Uproar Q&A from the same day of the show will may remember the question being asked and Foley did say he tried to get WWE to sign Joe. Obviously it didn't happen and Joe signed with TNA.
He debuted with a bang at the Slammiversary PPV of 2005 with a win over Sonjay Dutt. Joe went on an amazing undefeated streak and he was being built up as a monster so to speak. Joe faced Chris Daniels & AJ Styles in an amazing 3 way match at the Unbreakable PPV and this is still to date, the ONLY five-star rated match by the Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer. Some may say, it was Daniels & Styles that made it such an amazing match but Joe needs to be given credit too.
While Joe was working in TNA, he continued to work with ROH and Dave Meltzer gave him another five-star rating in a match when he faced Japanese legend Kenta Kobashi in October of 2005 and this was voted the match of the year. For whatever reason, on January 31st 2007, Joe announced he would no longer be a full-time performer with ROH after March 4th, on that day he wrestled Homicide and won which is strange having the wrestler on the way out get the victory, but anyway that was his last match in ROH but he did return on November 22nd 2007 and he beat ROH champion Tyler Black in a non title match. As of now, that was Joe's last ROH match.
Back in TNA, Joe had very good run in the first few years, a 4 time X Division champion, a 1 time tag team champion and he did win the TNA world title at Lockdown on April 13th 2008 in a 'six-sides of steel' match. In later times though, Joe hasn't been used the best and it's a shame, he is easily one of the better workers on the roster.
On the recent TNA Destination X PPV, Joe was on the card but in the opener and against a guy I don't really rate, that being Kaz (Frankie Kazarian) - Anyway, Joe looked really in the mood for this match, I thought finally, they are going to give Joe a good win and start to use him but no, they had Kaz do the better work in the match and look the part but they had Kaz go over with a hokey finish.
Back to what Austin tweeted, I'd ideally like to see Joe go back to ROH but that's for selfish reasons as I am a big fan of the promotion but if Joe went to the WWE with the way they are going now could be a great thing. I am not sure when his TNA contract is up but it would be a good move for the WWE to get him in and a good move for him for exposure and of course for financial reasons.
What I want to ask you readers is what do you think of Austin saying on twitter WWE should sign a contracted TNA worker albeit when available? Do you think it would be a good move for both parties? And one final question, who else should WWE go for from either TNA, ROH or elsewhere?
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