In two weeks is one of WWE’s Big Four PPV’S. The main event as well all know is Cena and The Rock vs. Miz and R truth. Everyone’s excited for this match simply because it’s the great ones return to the ring after seven years. After watching Raw for the past three weeks personally I feel as if this match needs more time to buildup on Raw. First off you need The Rock on Raw to do that. Secondly they need to show that R truth and Miz have an edge over Cena/Rock simply because we already know who’s going to win. Maybe they should simply have Rock/Cena not get along building up to the PPV. Overall this match is great as it being held in Madison Square Garden, which is just another way to promote Cena vs. Rock. Not only that but Miz and R truth will get a great boost and I don’t see why they wont be holding the tag titles after Survivor Series IF this match goes as planned.
Moving on, It is official that Mick Foley is back in the WWE. As he made his debut in Ireland this past week running in and putting Mr. Socko into Miz’s mouth. Now the bigger question is which storyline does Mick fit into? My guess would be HHH Vs. Nash, As a special referee of course. He did it once before and he can sure as hell do it again. Speaking of Kevin Nash.. He’s a main eventer again WHOOHOOO. (Sense the sarcasm?)
But honestly the way Nash attacked HHH was great, I haven’t seen someone get “injured” like that in a while on Raw. This story looks great as far as HHH out for 5 weeks I don’t think that’s true. This is going to be a great match IF it takes place at the Garden! And the stipulation would be great to see.
Now lets discuss Mark Henry and the Big Show as we all know that Show got his match vs. Henry this week on SD (sorry for spoilers LOL) .. Well really I don’t know what’s going to happen. I mean after seeing the ring collapse I don’t see Henry pinning Show clean, its either Show winning the title or Henry gets some outside help (care to disagree? HIT me up on Twitter! @azansaigol)
The second world title match is between Del Rio and Punk. Well as most of us know IF we read the dirt sheets Punk wont be winning the title. So im guessing after Del Rio wins punk will probably get one more re match. I’m hoping for a great match between these two. Would be awesome to see Punk take the title at the Garden. Then again this has been the year of Del Rio and he has indeed been the highlight of the “Big Four ”PPV’S. So Del Rio walking out with the title is pretty much expected. Also it will be CRAZY when punk honors The Macho Man with his Elbow drop at the Garden a place where Savage helped build!
Well this is about it for my article
Survivor series is live November 27 2011! It is worth the 40 dollars just because the Great One is wrestling! If I were you I would buy it! Also this would be a great time to tell you all to pick up the New Age Outlaws Shoot video that is coming out on the 21st Of November available for only 10 dollars message NAO at newageoutlaws@yahoo.com for more information!
I hope you all enjoyed this article IF any of you care to disagree with anything or have anything to add to this article or want to just talk about wrestling in general hit me up on twitter @azansaigol or E-mail azan.saigol7@gmail.com
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