The first match of the night was the first match of the Infinity tournament as it was Lee Hunter vs. Bobby Barrett vs. Dave Mastiff vs. Clint Margera - Order of elimination was Barrett out first followed by Mastiff and then Margera so Lee Hunter went into the final.
The second match was the second in the Infinity tournament as it was Jim Hunter vs. MK McKinnan vs. Dave Williams vs. The Rockstar Spud - Order of elimination was Williams out first, followed by Hunter and then Spud who went down to the MK McKinnan shining wizard.
The next match was the triple threat for the FCP title, all 3 guys looked terrific, and as I said to a friend i was with on the night, Nigel did not look like someone who needs to retire. In a total shock after an awesome match, Eddie Edwards pinned Trent Seven and became the new FCP champion. After the match Eddie took to the mic followed by both Trent and Nigel. Awesome speeches by the guys, I have posted a video of it at the end of this article.
Somehow, MK McKinnan & Lee Hunter had to follow that great match but they did just that, may not of been MK's best match in FCP but was still very good and Hunter held his own too. And to end the night, we had McKinnan crowned 2011 Infinity champion and he went onto say amongst other things "I love this shit" couldn't of put it better myself.
As stated, this was FCP's final show of the year and it was AWESOME like all the othera I attended which was just the 3 prior to this but I'll be hopefully going to a lot more next year if not all and I suggest you guys go and check FCP out too if you can. For now, BUY the Project Mayhem 3 disc set from http://fightclubprob.com
I'm hoping for a Best of DVD to be released by FCP sometime soon so I can see this stuff again, as well as the stuff I missed like Davey Richards vs. Trent Seven and MK McKinnan vs. El Generico plus the matches featuring Mike Quackenbush & Colt Cabana.
As promised, below is the video of the speeches by Eddie Edwards, Nigel McGunniess & Trent Seven
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