Ok, here's the next part of How to Fix TNA by someone with no experience whatsoever of the wrestling business. And without doing a Jim Cornette and murdering Vince Russo-tempting tho that is...
I watched the season finale of Wrestlicious this week, and in between the crappy comedy (guest starring an bewildered Greg The Hammer Valentine) and the bikinis, when you look at their roster, they have some of the biggest names in indy women's wrestling on that show. The likes of Daizee Haze et al can produce great Shimmer matches, yet somehow manage to produce garbage in Wrestlicious. The answer lies in the writing of the show. TNA's storylines are all over the place at the moment, so they have got to get a grip on Creative. It seems they have one set of storylines for Live mondays, and another for the taped so the two don't mesh! A lot of that is down to Bischoff thinking changing things last minute is spontaneous, when it's actually just confusing. Planning guys!!!! Otherwise Jim Cornette may get his wish...
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