Sunday 13 February 2011

So Who Will McMahon Announce As Wrestle Mania Guest Host?

So tommorrow night, Vince McMahon will announce who will be the guest host for this years Wrestle Mania. MANY names are being rumoured, The Rock, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Justin Bieber, Donald Trump, Ted Turner even Sting (yes, the wrestler not the singer). Now I have been accused of writing blogs for 'attention' more specific, when I said it could be Skip Sheffield that returns to the WWE on 2.21.11, yes, I came up with an opinion, one I am entitled to and got flamed, OK, not flamed but questioned as to my reasons for writing such a thing. Anyway, back to 2.14.11, McMahon will make his announcement and who do I think it is, do I think it's any of the above names or someone not mentioned so far? Well, I do think it's someone already mentioned in this blog, I think the guest of Wrestle Mania XXVII will be...............Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Yes, just like all those years ago when the 'Higher Power' was revealed to be McMahon, I think we will all find out on 2.14.11 that WM XXVII will be hosted by good ol' Vinnie Mac.

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